Child Sponsors

We are currently trying to expand our child sponsorship program. After a careful evaluation of the orphanage's finances and the increased costs of school, we are looking to double our child sponsorship program. Please let us know if you would be able and willing to give more monthly or if you know anyone else interested in sponsoring a child.

One of our current missions is to have all the children in an orphanage in Les Cayes, Haiti sponsored so they can go to school and we can cover the cost of food. The first link is to be the school sponsor for the child, which is $36/month. This also includes the transfer costs to get the money down to Haiti each month. Hearts & Hands of Heroes does not take any money for profit. The second link is to be a child's food sponsor, which is $50/month.

The monthly payments will help pay for education or food. The cost will be a monthly recurring payment of either $36 or $50. If you would like to join us in this cause, please follow the Paypal link below.

Educational Sponsor

Number of Children

Food Sponsor

Number of Children

In cases where the child does not attend school, the sponsorship money will go towards food and additional needs of the child. You will be advised if this situation does occur. Unfortunately, there is a small administrative fee deducted from monthly payments in order to transfer the money.

If you want to sponsor one of the children, please contact us at